
2015-10-03 3 Brother Rock + Sabora 2 (Video + Foto) Video: 2015-10-03 - 3 Brother Rock + Sabora 2 (Video + Foto).mp4
2015-10-04 Areng Kambing + Batu Lihunu (Foto + Video) Video: 2015-10-04 Areng Kambing + Batu Lihunu (Foto + Video).mp4

Thanks very much to the dive crew at Blue Bay Divers!!

2015-10-03 3 Brother Rock + Sabora 2 (Video + Foto)

2015-10-04 Areng Kambing + Batu Lihunu (Foto + Video)

2015 CC Lizenz CC (Creative Commons) Namensnennung-NichtKommerziell-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported)